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    karaoke 結果共7筆

  • Taipei mayor flattered by pop diva’s praise of his singing

    Discover how Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an reacts to praise from pop diva Jody Chiang and her upcoming performance at the National Day gala, amidst her health recovery.
    2024/09/11 10:52
  • Cashbox Partyworld in Taipei fully booked amid typhoon

    Discover how Typhoon Gaemi’s intensification led to a typhoon day declaration in 15 counties and cities, causing a surge in karaoke bookings and prompting major closures in Taipei, including Taipei 101 and Far Eastern SOGO, for July 24.
    2024/07/24 09:35
  • Evergreen Marine offers crew hotel-level comfort

    Evergreen Marine Corporation has expanded its fleet with the commissioning of a new "A class" container ship, the EVER ALP, boasting a maximum capacity of 24,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU). This vessel, among 13 ordered by the company, brings luxury to the high seas with crew accommodations rivaling star-rated hotels. Constructed by South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries, the EVER ALP features nine decks and a range of leisure facilities, including a gym and social lounge. Crew quarters on the ship are designed to match that of star-rated hotel rooms, each spanning 16.53 to 46.28 square meters with private bathrooms. The working environment on board is notably comfortable, with third officers and engineers drawing an average monthly salary of about NT$170,000. For entertainment and relaxation, the ship is equipped with a library, karaoke facilities, treadmills, and dining options featuring a variety of international cuisines. These A-class container ships incorporate eco-friendly and energy-saving features, ensuring compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) emission standards. With the addition of the EVER ALP, Evergreen Marine’s current fleet totals 210 vessels with a combined capacity of approximately 1.66 million TEU, marking a significant increase in the company’s global shipping capabilities.
    2023/12/04 17:33
  • 柯登《深夜秀》收攤有內情? 美媒爆:節目年虧數億台幣

    美國長壽知名電視節目《深夜秀》(Late Late Show),隨著主持人柯登(James Corden)卸下職務後也正式宣告熄燈,引起不少死忠粉絲直呼可惜。但正當粉絲開始懷念節目之際,卻有美國娛樂雜誌引述內部消息,爆料指出《深夜秀》之所以收攤、電視台沒有尋找新任主持人的主要原因,是因為節目連年陷入高額虧損,每年至多需耗資6500萬美元(約新台幣20億0131萬元)製作,沒想到卻只獲得不到4500萬美元(約新台幣13億8552萬元)收益,才因此讓哥倫比亞廣播電視台(CBS)決定停播。
    2023/05/02 15:17
  • BLACKPINK開車兜風熱舞!見主持人「嗨到比中指」嚇壞

    南韓YG娛樂旗下人氣女團BLACKPINK,日前飛往美國登上「科切拉音樂節」(Coachella)舞台,成為首個在主舞台表演的南韓女團,並給粉絲帶來整整18首歌。此外,BLACKPINK也合體著名脫口秀主持人詹姆斯柯登(James Corden),場面還一度失控,掀起網友熱議。
    2023/04/21 09:43
  • 吼服務生、凹飲料 名主持人柯登遭控「最差奧客」

    美國CBS電視台《深夜秀》(The Late Late Show)主持人、英國諧星柯登(James Corden),過去在《車上卡拉OK》(Carpool Karaoke)曾與小賈斯汀、美國前第一夫人蜜雪兒歐巴馬(Michelle Obama)、BTS等名人合作,引發話題。近日卻傳出一名紐約餐廳老闆爆料,柯登在店內消費時吼服務生、凹餐廳請飲料、是他開業25年來,遇過態度最惡劣的奧客,並將他列入黑名單。柯登後來也親自致電道歉。
    2022/10/20 10:24
  • 粉絲哀痛!聯合公園主唱自殺前6天錄影歡唱曝光

    美國搖滾天團「聯合公園」(Linkin Park)主唱查斯特(Chester Bennington)7月20日在家中臥室自縊身亡,享年41歲。他自殺前6天與聯合公園團員上實境節目《兜風KTV》(Carpool Karaoke),與「老周」鄭康祖在車上K歌,該集今播出,可見車上氣氛high翻,查斯特更數度被老周逗得大笑,直呼是他人生中最棒的一天,完全看不出異樣,令歌迷看了心碎。節目中,查斯特不僅數度飆歌嘶吼,還跟老周一起在路邊跳舞,開心的神情看不出有抑鬱徵兆。
    2017/10/13 18:14
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